Security By Field on User
In applications with very simple permission needs, assigning security permissions by a field on the user table.
How to Set Up
Firstly, you need to create the field(s) to use for the security. This part can be done in a number of ways, but here are the most common:
Use a single drop-down
This option is only used when a user can be a member of one and only one permission group. The drop-down would include options identical to the types of security needed.
Use a multi-select field
This option should be used if a user could potentially be a member of multiple permission groups. The options for the selection field would be identical to the types of security needed.
Use multiple fields
Use this option when there are various aspects of security you wish to control independently. Under this method, you'd create a different field (either single or multi-selection) for each area of security you wish to control, with options identical to the levels of security available in that area. This method is the most flexible of the three, but is the most seldom used, as usually, builders who need this level of security typically opt for the most flexible method of
assigning permissions by group.
Once you've chosen your preferred method of implementation, you're ready to set up your security. Go to the page you wish to secure, bring up the automation layer, and access the security automation for the page. Create a record exist evaluation. For the query, go to the current user starting point, and add a filter to ensure the appropriate field on the user is set to contain the correct value.