Do records exist?

Build a query to find records. When this action runs if the query finds a record the evaluation will pass. If it does not find a record the evaluation will fail.


Evaluations have two automation triggers associated with them : Then and Else. Actions under the “Then” automation trigger execute when the evaluation passes, and actions under the “Else” automation execute when the evaluations fails.

Record exists evaluations are used to execute a set of actions if certain records exist, and another set of actions if those records don't exist.

Example : Suppose an application allows Contacts to be imported, and once they are imported if any Contacts live in the state of Pennsylvania, a set of actions should execute. To accomplish this, the builder would first build the record import actions appropriately. After the record import actions are complete, they would then add a record exists evaluation, and query the Contact table for all Contact records, filtering the state part of their Address field to be “PA”. Under the “Then” section they could add the actions for when there are Contacts in “PA” and under the “Else” section actions for when there are no Contacts in “PA”.


Query records to evaluate

When this action runs if the query finds a record the evaluation will pass. If it does not return a record the evaluation will fail.

Describe this action

Useful as a comment, this description will overwrite the automatically generated description in the Action Manager.

Queue this action and children

When an action is queued, the subsequent actions continue to process without it. Meanwhile, the queued action and its children process separately. Queue actions that you don't want a user to wait for.

action type - record exist.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/14 18:19 (external edit)
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