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Compose a menu out of link fields (use expression fields to build spacers and headers). When a User clicks that link the flyout menu will be presented to them. This action belongs on a “Link is clicked” automation trigger.
The most common use of launch flyout menu actions is to provide a sophisticated AJAX-y feel to pages that would otherwise be cluttered with a high quantity of link fields to perform operations on records.
Example : Suppose you have an application with the table Contact in it. On this table you have a status select field with the options “Hot”, “Cold” and “Warm”. When you change the status to “Hot” you want to collect four fields of details about the status change, for “Warm” you want to collect three fields of details, and for “Cold” just two. So you decide to create three link fields to open pages in popups to collect these fields of data, and change the status appropriately when saved. This would work just fine, but for screen real estate reasons you decide you'd like to make a fourth link field called “Update Status” that, when clicked on, will reveal the former three link fields in a flyout menu, allowing you to save the space of two of your original link fields. On that fourth link field you would add a launch flyout menu action and select the three status update fields in it's configuration.
Click the spyglass to choose the fields which will be displayed in the flyout. You can also click and drag to change the order in which the fields are displayed, or click the X to remove a selected field.
Useful as a comment, this description will overwrite the automatically generated description in the Action Manager.