
The Docusign actions are designed to allow a builder to created PDF copies of documents that have been digitally signed by users.

For example, suppose an application has an Employee table, and on each Employee record you want to store a signed copy of a set of tax forms for that employee, and you don't want to have them sign paper copies and scan them in, but instead you'd prefer to use a digital signing method. You would use the following three types of actions to complete this:

First, you need to sign up for a Docusign Developer account. This will establish your Docusign Account ID, User ID, Password, and Integrator's Key. These four pieces of data from Docusign are critical to configuring each of these action types. When you begin the process and sign up for this account you are using the Docusign “sandbox”. There are limitations to the number of transactions and frequency with which the sandbox can be used before upgrading your keys to Production level, which we will cover later.

Once you have your Developer account, you need to upload a scanned copy of the blank version of the document you wish to have signed. You do this through Docusign's interfaces. Once the document is uploaded, you will need to use Docusign's interfaces to mark areas on the document where you want the user to enter data or where the application will populate the data. These locations can be signature locations, or additional data required for the form to be completed.

Once the document is uploaded, and marked up, you will need to retrieve an Envelope Template ID from Docusign that contains all of the documents that you need signed all at once. The envelope concept allows you to package many documents together into one package to have signed by a user all at once. Think of it like you would if you had to mail these documents to the user, you'd put sticky notes on the document for where they needed to sign, put them all in an envelope and mail it off. If you had to do this for 100 users, you'd want to setup a template of all the pages you need signed, and you'd put the sticky notes in the same places for all 100 users, packaging the same documents, and mail them all out. The pack of paper you're preparing over and over to send out is an Envelope Template, and each time you prepare a set of documents and mail them is an Envelope.

Once the Envelope Template is in the Docusign system, you're ready to start working with it in your application. Start by making a start signature event action and detail who the signer is, which envelope template to send them, and where to store the envelop ID and status that are sent back. You also have the option of specifying where the receipt for successfully signing the documents goes (to the end User) and a few areas of content to handle successfully signing and viewing, as well as a variety of possible issues with the signing process. Remember to make this content informative, instructing the user what to do in the event of a signature issue.

Once the document signature event is completed, it's time to retrieve the document. Use the Retrieve Signed Document action type to download one of the available signed document PDF formats. Think of this like receiving the signed documents back in the mail from your user. They've signed them, and you are ready to file them. Attach the signed document PDF to a record in your system, and continue through your workflow.

Continue signature event actions are used in two main cases. The first case is when there is an issue with a signature event. If an envelope ID is returned, but there was a problem with the signature event, you may need to re-request the signatures in order to complete the process. Using a continue signature event action (instead of a new start signature event action) will allow the signer to continue where they left off, fill in the appropriate data and complete the process. The second case is when more than one person (referred to as role's) needs to sign a document. For example, suppose an application has a workflow process that requires both a sales manager and a sales representative sign a sales contract. You would first use a start signature event action to send the document to the sales representative, and then once they have signed the document you would use a continue signature event action to send that envelope over to the sales manager. Once the sales manager signs the document, use a Retrieve signed document action to retrieve the PDF and file it appropriately.

Once your development is done, and the process is working as you intend it to, you are ready to upgrade your keys to production level with Docusign. This requires a $1000 payment to Docusign directly, as well as an application certification process. Docusign actions should not be used in production applications until this process is completed.

Start Signature Event


This action will start the document signing process. The following preparation is required:

  1. Acquire a Docusign Developer Account. A User ID, Password, Account ID and Integrator's Key are all needed and appear on the page detailed after step seven of these instructions.
  2. Upload the document to be signed to the Docusign system and mark it up with locations to sign.
  3. Acquire the Envelop Template ID from the Docusign system.

Executing this action will launch a popup for the user to the Docusign service, allowing them to sign the requested document. When complete, an email will be sent to the recipient as a receipt of their signature completion. Depending on the outcome of the attempt to sign one of many pages will be shown: Signing Complete, Viewing Complete, Access Code Failed, Signing Cancelled, Signing Declined, Error, Fax Pending, ID Check Failed, Session Timeout, or Request Expired. Use the expressions below to provide body's of these pages for when these events occur.

Store the Envelop ID for future reference, and use for continuing the signing process if necessary, or to retrieve the PDF of the signed document when the signing is complete. Store the status for reference and future action, if applicable.


DocuSign User ID

Enter the User ID from your Docusign Developer Account.

DocuSign Password

Enter the Password from your Docusign Developer Account.

DocuSign Integrators Key

Enter the Integrator's key from your Docusign Developer Account.

DocuSign Account ID

Enter the Account ID from your Docusign Developer Account.

Envelope Template ID

Enter the document envelope template ID from docusign for the document to sign.

DocuSign Field Data Method

When pre-populating fields in a DocuSign template there are two methods available for obtaining the labels and corresponding values. The most common method is to define a list of known label value pairs using the Static List of Fields option. Under this option will be a list with the ability to add new options. For the tab label value enter the label as it appears in the Docusign template. For the Tab Value create a formula that will lookup the value that you want to populate. The second method of populating a template involves creating a Table that will have at least two fields in it one that will store the tab label and one that will store the tab value. When using this option first generate the query that will find the records of the table you created and then use the two field pickers to select the fields that contain the label and value values. This second method is for more advanced needs where the template and template fields are not known at the time the action is created and will need to be looked up at run time.

Recipient Client ID

Enter a unique identifier for who the recipient is. Docusign stores the signer's preferences against this ID, so if you send the same Client ID along with multiple documents they will only have to fill those preferences out once. The User's email address is recommended.

Email Subject

Subject line of the email to be sent as a receipt of signing to the signer.

Recipient Email Address

Recipient Full Name

Recipient Role Name

Enter a name for this signer's role in the document. For instance, “Manager”, and “Sales Representative” could be role's signing a sales contract

Signing Complete Body

Enter the content to show when the signing is complete.

Viewing Complete Body

Enter the content to show when the viewing is complete.

Access Code Failed Body

Enter the content to show when the access code fails.

Signing Canceled Body

Enter the content to show when the signing is cancelled.

Signing Declined Body

Enter the content to show when the signing is declined.

Error Body

Enter the content to show when there is an error in the Docusign system.

Fax Pending Body

Enter the content to show when there is a fax pending code fails.

ID Check Failed Body

Enter the content to show when the ID Check fails.

Session Timeout Body

Enter the content to show when the session times out.

Request Expired Body

Enter the content to show when the expiration date has passed.

Choose from a standard popup size, or enter your own height and width in pixels:

  • 800×600
  • 1024×768
  • 1280×1024
  • 1680×1050
  • Other (enter your own size)

Envelope ID Storage Location

Store the envelope ID for future reference, and use for continuing the signing process if necessary, or to retrieve the PDF of the signed document when the signing is complete.

Status Storage Location

Store the status for reference and future action, if applicable.

Describe this action

Useful as a comment, this description will overwrite the automatically generated description in the Action Manager.

Continue Signature Event


This action will continue the document signing process. Typically this is done when more than one person/party/role needs to sign one document, or when an error occurs. Use this action if the following are true:

  1. You have a Docusign Developer Account. A User ID, Password, Account ID and Integrator's Key are all needed and appear on the page detailed after step seven of these instructions.
  2. You have the Envelope ID stored from a Start Signature Event action.
  3. You need to continue the signing process because of an error, or for an additional person's signature.

Executing this action will launch a popup for the user to the Docusign service, allowing them to continue the signing process. When complete, an email will be sent to the recipient as a receipt of their signature completion. Depending on the outcome of the attempt to sign one of many pages will be shown: Signing Complete, Viewing Complete, Access Code Failed, Signing Cancelled, Signing Declined, Error, Fax Pending, ID Check Failed, Session Timeout, or Request Expired. Use the expressions below to provide body's of these pages for when these events occur.

Store the status for reference and future action, if applicable.


DocuSign User ID

Enter the User ID from your Docusign Developer Account.

DocuSign Password

Enter the Password from your Docusign Developer Account.

DocuSign Integrators Key

Enter the Integrator's key from your Docusign Developer Account.

DocuSign Account ID

Enter the Account ID from your Docusign Developer Account.

Envelope ID

Enter the Envelope ID to launch, from a Start Signature Event action.

Recipient Client ID

Enter a unique identifier for who the recipient is. Docusign stores the signer's preferences against this ID, so if you send the same Client ID along with multiple documents they will only have to fill those preferences out once. The User's email address is recommended.

Recipient Email Address

Recipient Full Name

Signing Complete Body

Enter the content to show when the signing is complete.

Viewing Complete Body

Enter the content to show when the viewing is complete.

Access Code Failed Body

Enter the content to show when the access code fails.

Signing Canceled Body

Enter the content to show when the signing is cancelled.

Signing Declined Body

Enter the content to show when the signing is declined.

Error Body

Enter the content to show when there is an error in the Docusign system.

Fax Pending Body

Enter the content to show when there is a fax pending code fails.

ID Check Failed Body

Enter the content to show when the ID Check fails.

Session Timeout Body

Enter the content to show when the session times out.

Request Expired Body

Enter the content to show when the expiration date has passed.

Choose from a standard popup size, or enter your own height and width in pixels:

  • 800×600
  • 1024×768
  • 1280×1024
  • 1680×1050
  • Other (enter your own size)

Status Storage Location

Store the status for reference and future action, if applicable.

Describe this action

Useful as a comment, this description will overwrite the automatically generated description in the Action Manager.

Retrieve Signed Document


This action should be performed once the document signing process is complete, it will retrieve a PDF of the document with the signatures embedded in it. Use this action if the following are true:

  1. You have a Docusign Developer Account. A User ID, Password, Account ID and Integrator's Key are all needed and appear on the page detailed after step seven of these instructions.
  2. You have the Envelope ID stored from a Start Signature Event action that has completed.
  3. You need to retrieve the completed document in PDF format for attachment in your application.

Executing this action will retrieve a copy of the signed document in PDF format from Docusign and allow you to store it in a file attachment field in your application.


DocuSign User ID

Enter the User ID from your Docusign Developer Account.

DocuSign Password

Enter the Password from your Docusign Developer Account.

DocuSign Integrators Key

Enter the Integrator's key from your Docusign Developer Account.

DocuSign Account ID

Enter the Account ID from your Docusign Developer Account.

Return Type

Choose from one of the available return types:

  • PDF
  • PDF without watermark
  • PDF with Docusign Certificate
  • PDF with Docusign Certificate without watermark

File Name

Enter a file name for the PDF.

Envelope ID

Enter the Envelope ID to launch, from a Start Signature Event action.

File Storage Location

Choose a File Attachment field to store the retrieved PDF file in.

Describe this action

Useful as a comment, this description will overwrite the automatically generated description in the Action Manager.

action type - docusign.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/14 18:19 (external edit)
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