Generate Custom Static URLs

This allows you to create custom URLs for a certain page. For example, you can use for registration pages. After a custom URL has been created it can be viewed, edited or deleted manually using the Custom URL Manager


URI Setup

What URI do you want to setup? The URI is the part after the main address. So in /test/123 is the URI.

Page to Launch

What page will this URL go to? Set the page you wish the user to see when they click the URL.

Page Record

What record will this page about? Choose a record to make this page about. If no record is chosen, then it will be about the Application.

Log In

If the person is not logged in, log them in as this user. Define a valid username. If someone goes to this URL not logged in, they will be logged in as this user automatically. If they are already logged in, and this is set on a URL that they use, they will change to this user. If it is not set, and they are already logged in they will go to the selected page. If it is not set and they are not logged in, it will send them to the login page.

Log In Override

If they are already logged in but they are different from the user specified as the auto login user this optin will allow you to override the default behavior of changing the user to the auto login user.

Expiration Date

What date will this URL stop working? If you want this link to stop working at point in the future, enter a date. For example, you may have a survey that you only want open for a certain amount of time. You could enter the end date so the URL will stop working automatically.

URL Field

Where do you want to store the full URL? Once the URL is built, it will be stored in this field.

Describe this action

Useful as a comment, this description will overwrite the automatically generated description in the Action Manager.

action type - custom urls.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/14 18:19 (external edit)
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