WorkXpress Link Appearance

Combine text and/or images or use a browser-standard HTML button to customize your link.

Link Type (required) - The settings available for each kind of WorkXpress Link Field will vary based on your selection here.

  • Text Only
    • Link Text - You can use the Expression Builder to create the text for your link. Alternatively, you can also just type a text value.
  • Image Only
    • Link Icon - Choose an icon (or other image) to display as your link.
  • Text and Image
    • Link Text - You can use the Expression Builder to create the text for your link. Alternatively, you can also just type a text value.
    • Link Icon - Choose an icon (or other image) to display as your link.
    • Icon Alignment - Select left or right alignment for your Link Icon; the text will then be placed right or left, respectively.
  • HTML Button.
    • Link Text - You can use the Expression Builder to create the text for your link. Alternatively, you can also just type a text value.
    • Background Color - If desired, choose a background color for the HTML Button.
    • Border Color - If desired, choose a border color for the HTML Button.
field setting - workxpress link appearance.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/14 18:19 (external edit)
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