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Project Management tool

Company HC Nye Application Description This single-tenant application manages all aspects of lead generation, estimating, bidding and delivering commercial HVAC equipment. It was designed to replace large quantities of paper, spreadsheets, email and other document types, and in so doing, reduce confusion, increase revenues, and reduce costs.
Built by Siobhan Hyser
Hours to build 120
Internal or Commercial Internal
imageThe dashboard provides an overview of all projects, grouped together by their status. Users can perform actions from the dashboard, such as adding a project or uploading a document to a specific project. User can also any alerts generated on projects they are involved with.
When users add a project, they can add a variety of details but only the ones in red are required on this screen.
The project overview page shows important dates and figures related to the project. Additional project information is available through a custom tabbed interface.
exampleapp-project management.1347571367.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/09/13 21:22 by shyser
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