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Enterprise Security tool

Company: ITADS Built by: Various Hours to build: 480 Internal or Commercial: Commercial

Application description: In a time when enterprise data breaches are at an all time high, and when the penalties for data breach are steep, The Watchdog monitors enterprise networks for devices which may contain secured or privacy data. Any changes in the status of these devices are immediately brought to the attention of network administrators, and various remediation processes are orchestrated. This application is available for purchase from ITADS.

This is the dashboard of the app. Users can see an overview of the current state of a network's hardware - alerts about possible security breaches, statistics on the lifecycle stages of devices, statistics on the number of types of devices in production.

exampleapp-enterprise_security.1347399327.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/09/11 21:35 by shyser
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