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Complex Scheduling

Company Connect and Sell Application Description This application provides a sophisticated scheduling capability. As resources are made available, those resources appear in a range of relevant formats to the consumer. Based on contract data maintained in the application, consumers are allowed to select from the available scheduling resources. Billing information based on the contracts is generated automatically.
Built by Siobhan Hyser
Hours to build 80
Internal or Commercial Internal
Depending on a user's role, the main calendar will display different items. For an internal employee of the scheduling company, the calendar displays the number of available appointment slots in the day and how many of those slots are filled. Other roles, such as internal Account Managers or external Account Admins at various client companies, will see information pertaining to their accounts.
The day view shows the statistics for a particular timeslot, any scheduled appointments, and a button to schedule an appointment in that slot. Hovering over an item will show any hidden information.
An external Account Admin at a client company can see an overview of scheduled appointments, users, and user groups. Account Admins can also manage users and groups from this interface.
exampleapp-complex scheduling.1347571074.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/09/13 21:17 by shyser
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