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exampleapp-transportation [2012/09/12 16:35]
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-====== Transportation Management tool ====== 
-|< 100% 15% 15% 15% 35% >| 
-|**Company**| ShipmentDocs| ​ **Application Description** ​ |This multi-tenant dashboard for all things related to freight forward and customs clearance is used by carriers, shippers, freight forwarders, buyers and sellers in North America. \\ It presents a simple common place where all parties to a shipment can go and find the status of their shipment as well as any next steps required of them or another party. This application is highlighted by a sophisticated interface, alerts and notifications and embedded workflow.| 
-|**Built by**               ​|Siobhan Hyser|:::​|:::​| 
-|**Hours to build** ​        | 360 |:::|:::| 
-|**Internal or Commercial** ​ |Commercial |:::​|:::​| ​ 
exampleapp-transportation.1347467735.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/09/12 16:35 by shyser
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