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The timezone the user is using affects the way that dates and times are displayed to an end user and determines what values are stored in the database. If a user under the America/New_York timezone enters the date and time of 11/17/2014 5:00pm it would display to a user in the Europe/London timezone as 11/17/2014 10:00pm and a user in the Asia/Tokyo timezone as 11/18/2014 3:30am. The timezone that is used by the application for a specific user can come from several sources. In order of precedence:


The locale the user is using affects the language the application displays in and the way that controls like the date picker work. For example, if the user has the locale setting of en_US, English United States, and they use the date picker field to pick the date November 17th, 2014 then it will display 11/17/2014 but if the user has the locale setting of en_GB, English Great Britain, the date picker field will display 17/11/2014. The locale that is used by the application of a specific user will come from several sources. In order of precedence: