Table of Contents

Left Toolbar

Interface Tools

This tab displays the list of different elements available to place on the page grid.

App Explorer Tools

Under construction. This feature will be available in a future engine build.

Hide All Tools

This button will hide all the tools and tabs, with the exception of the Show Tools button which will now be available (see below).

Show Tools

This button will allow all the tools and tabs to be displayed with the exception of this one, which will now be hidden.

Page Automation

This button will open up the Action Manager for the Page currently loaded into the interface on the page grid.

Configure Page

This button will open up the Block Editor for the Page currently loaded into the interface on the page grid.

Resizing Left Toolbar/Page Grid

If you move the mouse to the border between the left toolbar and the builder body, the mouse will transform like it does when resizing elements. If you click and hold the left mouse button, you can resize the toolbar and the builder body, releasing the mouse button to set to the current size. Unlike with element resizing, there is no width percentage displayed on the screen.

Maintaining The Layout

The interactions made with the tabs and tools that affect the display of the window will be stored as cookies so that they can be maintained when refreshing the page or naviagating to a new page. Cookies must be enabled on your browser in order to use this feature.