Table of Contents


The avatar field is used to create a unique avatar image. By utilizing a set group of available features.

How to Create - Method 1

  1. Click the to add a field in your form.
  2. Choose “New Field”
  3. Select the table you wish to add the field to. Most of the time, this will be the current table you are on, called the current context.
  4. Select a field name and click “Choose Type”.
  5. Choose “Avatar” from the list of field types.
  6. You can continue adding fields or click the “Select” button to finish adding.

How to Create - Method 2

This field is able to be placed on a page itself, not as part of a table's records.

Adding the Field

  1. Click the “Fields” button in the left toolbar to expand the list of fields available.
  2. Click on “Avatar”, holding the mouse button down and dragging the filter field onto the page, releasing over the blue border line where the field will be placed.
  3. An empty avatar field will appear on the page in the location specified.

Accessing the Features

When hovering the mouse over the field, an icon containing a blue pencil over a sheet of paper will appear in the top left corner of the field. Click this icon to access the field features as listed below.


Field features can be edited by clicking on the orange field icon when the presentation layer is displayed.

Field Label

Grid Appearance

List Appearance

Tree Appearance



Field Format

Disabled Pieces

Block Association


Audit History

View Only

File Access

Field Parts

The Avatar Field has 10 different field parts:

Using The Field Type


When in view mode, the Avatar Field will appear as a previously created avatar, or blank if one has not been created. Then edit or add mode is entered, the Avatar Field will initialize and an interface will appear based on the following criteria:

Fig. 1: Gender Selection Interface Fig. 2: Avatar Creation Interface

On the Gender Selection Interface, there will be a prompt to select either a male avatar or a female avatar. Upon clicking one, the Avatar Creation Interface will be loaded along with the features available for that gender and the default avatar. Gender can also obtained through an existing avatar so the appropriate features will be loaded, allowing for the bypass of the Gender Selection Interface. There are different feature sets for males and females (i.e. you can not give a female a beard).

Avatar Preview

The avatar preview appears in the top left corner of the interface. This shows the image that will be created when the field is saved. Any changes made through the interface will instantly be reflected here.

Body Positioning

Below the Avatar Image is a row of buttons that control the various positioning aspects of the avatar body. Clicking on these options will apply them to the avatar, which will be displayed in the avatar preview. They are, from left to right:

Fig. 3: Avatar body in the default position Fig. 4: Avatar body shifted to the right
Fig. 5: Avatar body that has been zoomed out Fig. 6: Avatar body with the head tilted to the left


The top right corner contains a row of tabs with a row of subtabs beneath it. These contain all the available features and their options which can be modified on the avatar. Toggling between the tabs and subtabs will show the options for that feature. Clicking on these options will add them to the avatar, which will be displayed in the avatar preview. Only one option per feature can be selected at a time, in which case, a border will appear around that options (blue for males, red for females). An option with a grey background is disabled and cannot be selected.

Fig. 7: Avatar features for irises Fig. 8: Avatar features for beards
Fig. 9: Avatar features for the backgrounds Fig. 10: Avatar features for face shapes with options 3 & 4 disabled

Feature Positioning

Below the Features section is a row of buttons that control the various positioning aspects for the currently selected feature. Clicking on these options will apply them to the avatar, which will be displayed in the avatar preview. The options available can be different between features and will include options from the body positioning as well as some new ones. The new options are, from left to right:

Fig. 11: Avatar with default feature positioning Fig. 12: Avatar with the nose zoomed in on
Fig. 13: Avatar with the eyes and eyebrows moved apart Fig. 14: Avatar with irises moved down and to the right and eyebrows slanted down

Color Palette

The bottom left corner contains a color palette for the currently selected feature. Clicking on these options will apply them to the avatar, which will be displayed in the avatar preview. The palette may be different between features, but the final option (being circular in shape) will open a custom color picker where any color can be selected by clicking on the hue displays or typing the color's hexadecimal value. The original color will appear next to the selected color in the bottom left corner and can be clicked to restore that color. The custom color picker will close when the mouse is clicked outside of it.

Fig. 15: Color Palette for the hair feature Fig. 16: Custom Color Palette

Note: The color for face shape, nose and ears will always be the same. When a color is chosen for one, it is automatically applied to the other two.

Misc. Buttons

There are three buttons in the bottom right corner that provide extra functionality when creating an avatar.

  1. random: This generates a new avatar with a set of completely random features. If a feature is disabled, it will not be available.
  2. undo: This undoes all changes made to the avatar, restoring it to its original state.
  3. reset: This will delete the avatar and bring up the Gender Selection Interface.