
Calendar forms are used to display events in standard graphical calendar formats.

Any record that has a Date or Date Time Field on it can be displayed on a Calendar Form in WorkXpress. In a Real Estate application there may be meetings scheduled for a User to view a Property, for instance. In that example a calendar for that User can be displayed, showing all of their appointments and a calendar for the Property can also be displayed, showing all of the appointments for that Property.

Any field on that record can be used to make up what the “Appointment” looks like on the Calendar.

Here are some examples of the available views and configurations for a Calendar form. If multiple views are made available there are controls for toggling between those views. Click on them to enlarge.

One Month by Day Fig. 1: One Month by Day One Week by Day Fig. 2: One Week by Day One Day by Hour Fig. 3: One Day by Hour One Week by Hour Fig. 4: One Week by Hour
Multiple Schedules - One Day by Hour Fig. 5: Multiple Schedules - One Day by Hour Multiple Schedules - Two Days by Hour Fig. 6: Multiple Schedules - Two Days by Hour Multiple Schedules - One Week by Hour Fig. 7: Multiple Schedules - One Week by Hour
Multiple Months by Month Fig. 8: Multiple Months by Month Multiple Weeks by Week Fig. 9: Multiple Weeks by Week

How to Create

Calendars are created in one of two ways: either clicking the “Forms” button in the left hand palette and then dragging the Classic Forms button over the page's background, or, when the presentation layer is displayed, clicking on one of the blue plus icons ().


Calendar features can be edited by clicking on the blue tab icon when the presentation layer is displayed.

Header Bar

Calendar Style

Date Selection Format


Sizing Settings



Block Association

Setup Calendar Listings

form type - calendar.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/01 13:31 by kstennett
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