Setup Calendar Listings (Form Setting)

By default calendars are setup to show a single schedule. You can enable multiple schedules by clicking the “Enable Multiple Schedules” button at the top of this configuration form. This allows you to build a query to the many records that you want to base your schedules on. For instance, if you are trying to show the work schedule at a particular retail location, you may want to enable multiple schedules and then setup your query to end on the User's who work at that Location. From there, then, you'll want to setup each Calendar Listing to go from the User to their Work Schedule records.

A Calendar Listing defines the records to show on the calendar, their start and end dates and times, the fields to display (and in what order) for that record on the calendar, and which views to show them on.

There are six settings for a calendar listing:

  • Order - This is the order in which the listings will appear in the calendar, from top to bottom.
  • Records to show - Use the Query Builder to select the records you wish to appear on the calendar as events. From these records you will later need to choose a starting date/time field and optionally an ending date/time field, in order to place these events on the calendar.
  • Starting Date & Time Field - Select the field from the records selected that will determine the start time for this calendar event.
  • Ending Date & Time Field - Select the field from the records selected that will determine the end time for this calendar event.
  • Fields to Display - Select any additional fields you wish to display to give additional information about each event.
  • Show on - Choose which view on which to display the particular listing.
form setting - setup calendar listings.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/14 18:19 (external edit)
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