Content Template (Field Setting)

Let your Users pre-build templates of content to save them time and establish consistency! When enabled, your users can choose a content template and insert it into the field. They can then edit the field's new content as desired.


Enable Content Chooser - Check the box to enable the Content Chooser for this Field. Enabling the Content Chooser will turn on the Rich Text Controls for this Field if they aren't already. The following setting must then be configured for the Content Chooser to function properly.

Setup content templates: Use the Query Builder to select Tables and Fields to find the content. In the Expression Builder you must indicate the composition of field(s) that will make up your inserted template content.


Effectively, this setting provides your users with the ability to generate HTML templates for any Long Text Field. This is a key point - the users themselves can maintain these content templates, they don't have to be pre-built, and don't require a rollout to update.

This feature can be a huge data-entry time saver, and also establishes consistency in your communications.

The name of the template in the content select list will be taken from the default name field of the item which contains the templated content.

Inserting a content template does not change the item this Field is about, it merely copies content from a different source into the current Field.

You can insert more than one template into a single field, or the same template more than one time.

Often, you will simply want to create an Item Type called “Content Templates” and put two fields on it: a “name” field, and a “content” field.

Common uses for this feature include:

  • quote templates
  • work results templates
  • issue resolution templates
  • letter content templates
  • …and much, much more.

A common but advanced use of this feature is to set up multiple Long Text Fields in a row, representing different parts of a complex communication. Then, each Long Text Field can pull from its own content template. For example, you can have an introduction, a main body, a conclusion, and a disclaimers section. Each section can have its own Long Text Field, and pull from its own content templates.

In this example, your “content templates” Item Type should have an additional field, “Category”, so that you can filter the available content templates by category. Categories would include “introduction”, “main body”, “conclusion” and disclaimers“. You would do this so that the “main body” section for example only see's templates intended for the main body, but while retaining the ability to store all content templates on a single Item Type.

Because you can insert more then one piece of content into a Field, in the disclaimers section for example you could insert 3 different disclaimers in a row.

field setting - content template.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/14 18:19 (external edit)
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