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The Currency to Text function (CURRENCY_TO_TEXT) takes a number, language, and a currency and outputs a text string
The Currency to Text function has three parameters, one of which is required:
Allowed Inputs: field value or number
The first required parameter is the number that will be converted to text. Either use the use the Query Builder to choose a field that contains the value or use type a value to enter a number. When using a currency field choose the number only display part.
Allowed Inputs: Danish (use “dk”), Great British English (use “en_GB”), “en_US”, “es_AR”, “es_MX”, “he”, “hu_HU”, “pl”, “pt_BR”, “ru”, or “tr_TR”, etc.. Default is “en_US”.
The second optional parameter of the Currency to Text function is the language that the text will be in.
Allowed Inputs: “USD”, “EUR” Default is “USD”.
The third optional parameter of the Currency to Text function is the currency label(s) to use.
The output of the Currency To Text function is a string representing the currency value.
CURRENCY_TO_TEXT(34.56) would result in “Thirty-Four Dollars and Fifty-Six Cents”.