Count (Expression Function)


The Count function (COUNT) is used to count the number of values returned by a certain query. It does not add the values together to achieve that use the Sum function


The Count function has one parameters:

Field Value

Allowed Inputs: field values

The parameter of the Count function are the field values to be counted. The input is a query built using the Query Builder to find field values on one or many record(s) in a table.


The output of the Count function is a number representing a count of all the values found.


If an Invoice record has 4 related Line Item records, and those records have values of -6, 8, 8, and 24 in the Quantity field, COUNT(${Line Item ~> Quantity}) would result in 4.

expression function - count.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/14 18:19 (external edit)
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