====== Security By Field on Record ====== Setting up [[Security|security]] according to a [[Field|field]] on the [[Record|record]] to be secured is often done for tables such as purchase orders, invoices, and more. It's also often done in conjunction with other methods of setting up security. ===== How To ===== - First, you need to navigate to the [[Page|page]] you wish to secure. - Next, decide which [[Field|field]] on the [[Table|table]] you wish to use to drive the security. This is often a [[Field Type - Selection|drop-down]] for the status of the [[Record|record]]. - Access the [[Automation Trigger - When Form Loads|security]] for the page/ - Create a [[Action Type - Record Exist|record exist]] [[Action#Evaluations|evaluation]], choose the [[Query Builder - Starting Points#Current Record|current record]] starting point for the [[Query Builder|query]], and create one or more [[Query Builder#Filters|filters]] to detect the appropriate circumstance(s) you wish to check for (e.g. Status = Open). - Create the appropriate [[Action|actions]] (either [[Action Type - Hide Form|hide form]] or [[Action Type - Set Modes|set modes]] actions) inside the [[Automation Trigger - When Evaluation Passes|pass]] or [[Automation Trigger - When Evaluation Fails|fail]] section of the [[Action#Evaluations|evaluation]], as appropriate.