There are many different available filters, which can be organized according to the type of object that is the basis of the filter. ====== Text-Type Filters ====== These filters are available for text Fields as well as certain specialized text Fields (such as Email Address fields) and parts of multi-part Fields (such as the City part of an Address Field). The available filters are: * **Contains** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part contains the specified/evaluated text. * **Does Not Contain** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part does not contain the specified/evaluated text. * **Is** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is exactly the specified/evaluated text. * **Is Not** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is not exactly the specified/evaluated text. * **Is Empty** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is empty. * **Is Not Empty** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is not empty. * **Starts With** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part starts with the specified/evaluated text. * **Ends With** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part ends with the specified/evaluated text. ====== Number-Type Filters ====== These filters are available for number Fields as well as specialized number Fields (such as Currency Fields) and parts of some multi-part Fields (such as the Area Code part of the Phone Number Field). The available filters are: * **Is** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is exactly the specified/evaluated text. * **Is Not** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is not exactly the specified/evaluated text. * **Is Less Than** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is strictly less than the specified/evaluated number * **Is Greater Than** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is strictly greater than the specified/evaluated number. * **Is Between** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is greater than or equal to the first specified/evaluated number and less than or equal to the second specified/evaluated number. * **Is Not Between** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is strictly less than the first specified/evaluated number or strictly greater than the second specified/evaluated number. * **Is Empty** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field part is empty. * **Is Not Empty** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is not empty. ====== Time-Type Filters ====== These filters are available when filtering on a Date, Date and Time, or Time Field. They are: * **Is Before** - This filter only displays Records where the time is strictly before the specified/evaluated time. * **Is After** - This filter only displays Records where the time is strictly after the specified/evaluated time. * **Is Empty** - This filter only displays Records where the time is empty. * **Is Not Empty** - This filter only displays Records where the time is not empty. * **Is During** - This filter only displays Records where the time is between the two specified/evaluated times (identical times pass as well). * **Is Not During** - This filter only displays Records where the time is not between the two specified/evaluated times (identical times pass as well). ===== Secondary Choices ===== The "Is Before", "Is After", "Is During" and "Is Not During" filters have a second choice which determines what the times are evaluated against. These second choices are: * **Custom** - You are given the option to specify date(s). * **Relative Date** - Allows you to choose to evaluate against a time a certain amount of time before or after the current time. * **Now** - Evaluates against the current time. * **Today** - Evaluates against the current day. * **This Week** - Evaluates against the current week. * **This Month** - Evaluates against the current month. * **This Quarter** - Evaluates against the current quarter. * **This Year** - Evaluates against the current calendar year. * **Yesterday** - Evaluates against the previous day. * **Last Week** - Evaluates against the previous week. * **Last Month** - Evaluates against the previous month. * **Last Quarter** - Evaluates against the previous quarter. * **Last Year** - Evaluates against the previous year. * **Tomorrow** - Evaluates against the next day. * **Next Week** - Evaluates against the next week. * **Next Month** - Evaluates against the next month. * **Next Quarter** - Evaluates against the next quarter. * **Next Year** - Evaluates against the next year. ====== Item-type filters ====== These filters are available when an Item or multi-part Field is compared to another, such as when an Item Picker is filtered, when "Item" is chosen as a filter, or when a social security number is filtered. They are: * **Is** - This filter only displays records that have the same WorkXpress Item ID as the specified/evaluated Item. * **Is Not** - This filter only displays Records that don't have the same WorkXpress Item ID as the specified/evaluated Item. * **Is Empty** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is empty. * **Is Not Empty** - This filter only displays Records where the Field or Field Part is empty. ====== Checkbox-type filters ====== These filters are only available for checkboxes. They are: * **Is Checked** - This filter only displays Records where the checkbox is checked. * **Is Not Checked** - This filter only displays Records where the checkbox is not checked. ====== Address Filters ====== These filters are only available for addresses. * **Entire Field** - This filter only allows records where the entire address Field passes through the chosen one of the standard four item-type filters. When [[Field Setting - Geolocation|geolocation]] is enabled then the ability to perform a radius search is also available. * **Street** - This filter only allows Records where the Street part of the address Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight text-type filters. * **Street 2** - This filter only allows Records where the Street 2 part of the address Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight text-type filters. * **Street 3** - This filter only allows records where the Street 3 part of the address Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight text-type filters. * **City** - This filter only allows Records where the City part of the address Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight text-type filters. * **State** - This filter only allows Records where the State part of the address Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight text-type filters. * **Zip Code** - This filter only allows Records where the Zip Code part of the address Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight number-type filters. * **Country** - This filter only allows Records where the Country part of the address Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight text-type filters. ====== Telephone Number Filters ====== * **Entire Field** - This filter only allows Records where the entire phone number Field passes through the chosen one of the standard four item-type filters. * **Country Code** - This filter only allows Records where the Country Code part of the Phone Number Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight number-type filters. * **Area Code** - This filter only allows records where the Area Code part of the Phone Number Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight number-type filters. * **Prefix** - This filter only allows Records where the Exchange part of the Phone Number Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight number-type filters. * **Line Number** - This filter only allows records where the Line Number part of the Phone Number Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight number-type filters. * **Extension** - This filter only allows records where the Extension part of the Phone Number Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight text-type filters. ====== Credit Card Filters ====== These filters are only available for credit cards. * **Entire Field** - This filter only allows records where the credit card field is either empty or not empty. * **Last Four** - This filter only allows Records where the Last Four part of the credit card Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight number-type filters. * **Card Holder Name** - This filter only allows Records where the Card Holder Name part of the credit card Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight text-type filters. * **Expiration Month** - This filter only allows Records where the Expiration Month part of the credit card Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight number-type filters. * **Expiration Year** - This filter only allows Records where the Expiration Year part of the credit card Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight number-type filters. ====== Forte Checkout Filters ====== These filters are only available for Forte Checkout. * **Entire Field** - This filter only allows records where the credit card field is either empty or not empty. * **Last Four** - This filter only allows Records where the Last Four part of the credit card Field passes through the chosen one of the standard eight number-type filters.