====== Counter ====== The Counter Field Type allows a Software Developer to create a counter that either goes up from 00:00 indefinitely, or down from a set number of seconds stored in the field. The Software Developer is given the option to execute actions along the way, at intervals of every so many seconds, and when the counter, counting down, hits 00:00. You can set the time to start counting down from by storing a value in seconds in this [[Field|Field]] through automation. A Counter Field will display a minimum of 4 digits: XX:XX when counting down and under one hour of time on the Counter. When set to count up and given a negative number of seconds, the Counter will display red. ===== How to Create ===== - Click the {{:presentation-layer:field-plus.png|}} to add a field in your [[Form|form]]. - Choose "New Field" - Select the table you wish to add the field to. Most of the time, this will be the current [[Table|table]] you are on, called the current [[Context|context]]. - Select a field name and click "Choose Type". - Choose "Counter" from the list of field types. - You can continue adding fields or click the "Select" button to finish adding. - After the field is added to the screen edit the configuration to add the parts to saved. ===== Features ===== ==== Field Label ==== * [[Field Setting - Field Label|Field Label]] * [[Field Setting - Display Alternate Label]] (affects this form only) ==== Grid Appearance ==== * [[Field Setting - Column Span|Column Span]] * [[Field Setting - Row Span|Row Span]] ==== Tooltip ==== * [[Field Setting - Tooltip|Tooltip]] * [[Field Setting - Descriptive Text|Descriptive Text]] * [[Field Setting - Display Alternate Descriptive Text|Display Alternate Descriptive Text]] (affects this form only) ==== Counter Options ==== * [[Field Setting - Counter Display Style|Display Style]] * [[Field Setting - Counter Direction|Counter Direction]] * [[Field Setting - Run Actions at an interval|Run Actions at an interval]] ==== Block Association ==== * [[Field Setting - Temporary Block Association|Temporary Block Association]] * [[Field Setting - Global Block Association|Global Block Association]] ==== Field Parts ==== * [[Field Setting - Allow Multiple Values|Allow Multiple Values]] * [[Field Setting - Multiple Value Delimiter|Multiple Value Delimiter]] * [[Field Setting - Field Parts|Field Parts]] ==== Validation ==== * [[Field Setting - Required|Required]] ==== Audit History ==== * [[Field Setting - Audit This Field|Audit This Field]] * [[Field Setting - Show Audit History|Show Audit History]] ==== View Only ==== * [[Field Setting - View Only|View Only]]