====== When Field Loads (Default Value) ====== **When field loads** is an [[Automation Trigger|automation trigger]] on [[Field|field]] which can have a default value and gets triggered when the field loads, after the [[Form|form]] in which it is nested has loaded. [[Action|Actions]] placed here will you to execute evaluations to determine a default value to place in the field. |< 100% 60% 40% >| | {{::triggerdefaultvalue.png?direct&400|}} | In the [[Action Manager]] for an evaluated field, the **Evaluate Field** tab allows you access to the drigger drop points for the field.| ===== Available Actions ===== * [[Action Type - Show Field|Show Field]] * [[Action Type - Record Exist|Do records exist?]] * [[Action Type - Relationship Exist|Does a Relationship Exist?]] * [[Action Type - Field Exist|Does a Field/Expression Return a Value?]] * [[Action Type - Compare Strings|Compare Two Text Strings]] * [[Action Type - Compare Numbers|Compare Two Numeric Values]] * [[Action Type - Link Opener|What link opened the page?]] * [[Action Type - Application Role|What Role Is the Application In?]]