====== Show Error (Validation Action) ====== Display a custom message to users if the data they entered does not meet the requirements. ===== Explanation ===== This action belongs in a validation procedure. It will stop the saving process and display an error message you specify. Note: you probably want to place this Action inside of an evaluation; compare your criteria against values in the User interface that are in the process of saving, and if the evaluation fails, this action will display your error message. ===== Settings ===== ==== Error Message to Display ==== You can choose a field that contains the message you wish to display or enter text. Storing the error message in a field makes it easier to change the message later, as well as allowing end user in a [[Application Lifecyle Management#Application Role|testing or production]] environment to modify the message. ==== Describe this action ==== Useful as a comment, this description will overwrite the automatically generated description in the [[Action Manager|Action Manager]].