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enterprise service bus - google calendar [2016/09/14 18:19]
enterprise service bus - google calendar [2016/09/14 18:19] (current)
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 +===== Purpose =====
 +This [[Enterprise Service Bus]] system allows a Software Developer to setup synchronization of the Google Calendar Calendars on a Google Account and [[Record|records]] in WorkXpress. ​ Typically a Software Developer will create a Calendar [[Table|table]] that contains records that are in a 1 to 1 relationship with the calendars on a Google Account. ​ To synchronize the the events on a calendar use the [[Enterprise Service Bus - Google Calendar Event|Google Calendar Event ESB]]. ​ It is not necessary to synchronize the calendars to synchronize events. ​
 +//This feature will be available in Platform Version 14.06.950.//​
 +===== End User Experience =====
 +A User of a WorkXpress Application that utilizes the Google Calendar Enterprise Service Bus functionality will need to authorize this application to allow Calendar interaction.
 +==== Google Login ====
 +They need to login to their Google Account on their User so their Google Calendar information can be read from and written to.  They do this using the '​Google Login' [[Field|field]] on the User [[Table|Table]]. ​ This field allows the user to log in to their Google Account __without__ their Google username or password being stored in the WorkXpress Application. ​ When the log in process is completed the '​Google Login' Field will display what Google Account the end user is logged in as, allow them to log out from that account, and log in on a different account.
 +//Note: Each User can only be logged into one Google Account at a time.//
 +==== Sending Calendars to Google Calendar ====
 +Sending calendars from WorkXpress to Google is a two step process. ​ First, the Software Developer must setup a [[Enterprise Service Bus Data Handler - Google Calendar|Google Calendar Action Triggered]] ESB Profile to let WorkXpress know how to interpret calendar records to send to Google. ​ Second, [[Action Type - Enterprise Service Bus|Enterprise Service Bus Actions]] need to be added to the Table being synced so that when a User adds or edits an event in the WorkXpress application those changes will be pushed to Google.  ​
 +It is possible that changes can occur in both WorkXpress and Google Calendar at or near the same time.  In those cases the setting on the outgoing ESB will determine if the data from Google Calendar overwrites the WorkXpress changes or if the data from WorkXpress overwrites the Google Calendar changes.
 +===== What Data is synced between Google and WorkXpress? =====
 +The following pieces of data are sync'd for each Calendar:
 +  * **Google Calendar ID** (Short Text) - This string identifies this Calendar on Google'​s side.  This data must be stored in order to match your records to their Calendars for updating purposes. ​ If this is not stored any changes in Google Calendar will create new Calendars in the WorkXpress application and changes in WorkXpress can not be pushed to Google.
 +  * **Google ETag** (Short Text) - This is an event version identifier and must be stored to avoid data conflict issues.
 +  * **Title** (Short Text) - The calendar name.
 +  * **Description** (Long Text) - The calendar description.
 +  * **Location** (Short Text) - The calendar location.
 +  * **Timezone** (Short Text) - A string representing the default timezone for a calendar eg. America/​New_York or Asia/Tokyo.
 +If any of these values are not stored in the WorkXpress application and returned to Google then when WorkXpress sends an update, these values will be cleared on Google'​s side.  **Even if the values are not going to be displayed it is highly recommended that all of these values be stored and returned to Google.**
 +The following data is **read only** and is only pushed from Google to WorkXpress:
 +  * **Primary** (Check Box) - "​1"​ if the Calendar is the primary calendar, ""​ if not.
 +  * **Users** (Dynamic Selection of Users) - This is a comma separated list of the WorkXpress System ID's for the WorkXpress Users that can access this Calendar in Google. ​ It is provided in a format that can be saved in a [[Field Type - Selection|Database driven selection field]] of Users. ​ This is not a list of all Google users that can see a calendar.
 +The following pieces of data are **not** part of the sync and will only be managed via Google'​s Calendar interface:
 +  * Calendar Color
 +  * Default Reminders
 +===== Data Sources =====
 +The data source selection for an Incoming ESB Profile will determine what helpers and configuration is needed and or available.
 +  * [[Enterprise Service Bus Data Source - Google Calendar|Google Calendar]]
 +===== Data Handlers =====
 +The data handler selection for an Outgoing ESB Profile will determine what helpers and configuration is needed and or available.
 +  * [[Enterprise Service Bus Data Handler - Google Calendar|Google Calendar]]
enterprise service bus - google calendar.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/09/14 18:19 (external edit)
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