Table of Contents

There are many different available filters, which can be organized according to the type of object that is the basis of the filter.

Text-Type Filters

These filters are available for text Fields as well as certain specialized text Fields (such as Email Address fields) and parts of multi-part Fields (such as the City part of an Address Field). The available filters are:

Number-Type Filters

These filters are available for number Fields as well as specialized number Fields (such as Currency Fields) and parts of some multi-part Fields (such as the Area Code part of the Phone Number Field). The available filters are:

Time-Type Filters

These filters are available when filtering on a Date, Date and Time, or Time Field. They are:

Secondary Choices

The “Is Before”, “Is After”, “Is During” and “Is Not During” filters have a second choice which determines what the times are evaluated against. These second choices are:

Item-type filters

These filters are available when an Item or multi-part Field is compared to another, such as when an Item Picker is filtered, when “Item” is chosen as a filter, or when a social security number is filtered. They are:

Checkbox-type filters

These filters are only available for checkboxes. They are:

Address Filters

These filters are only available for addresses.

Telephone Number Filters

Credit Card Filters

These filters are only available for credit cards.

Forte Checkout Filters

These filters are only available for Forte Checkout.