====== Multi Date ====== This field allows the user to select multiple dates. For example, there may be something should happen on several dates in the future. You can select those dates, then [[Action Type - Foreach Loops|loop]] over them and perform [[Action|automation]] (for instance, creating an event) on each one of those dates. The display of this field is affected by [[Timezone and Locale|Timezone and Locale]] settings. ===== How to Create ===== - Click the {{:presentation-layer:field-plus.png|}} to add a field in your [[Form|form]]. - Choose "New Field" - Select the table you wish to add the field to. Most of the time, this will be the current [[Table|table]] you are on, called the current [[Context|context]]. - Select a field name and click "Choose Type". - Choose "Multi Date" from the list of field types. - You can continue adding fields or click the "Select" button to finish adding. - After the field is created, you can edit the number of months displayed when the form is in [[Form Mode - Edit|edit mode]]. ===== Features ===== Field features can be edited by clicking on the orange field icon {{:date.png|}} when the [[Presentation Layer|presentation layer]] is displayed. ==== Field Label ==== * [[Field Setting - Field Label|Field Label]] * [[Field Setting - Display Alternate Label]] (affects this form only) ==== General Appearance ==== * [[Field Setting - Number of Months|Number of Months to Show]] ==== Grid Appearance ==== * [[Field Setting - Column Span|Column Span]] * [[Field Setting - Row Span|Row Span]] ==== Sizing ==== * [[Field Setting - Sizing|Sizing]] ==== Tooltip ==== * [[Field Setting - Tooltip|Tooltip]] * [[Field Setting - Descriptive Text|Descriptive Text]] * [[Field Setting - Display Alternate Descriptive Text|Display Alternate Descriptive Text]] (affects this form only) ==== Block Association ==== * [[Field Setting - Temporary Block Association|Temporary Block Association]] * [[Field Setting - Global Block Association|Global Block Association]] ==== Default Value ==== * [[Field Setting - Default Value|Default Value]] ==== Validation ==== * [[Field Setting - Required|Required]] ==== Audit History ==== * [[Field Setting - Audit This Field|Audit This Field]] * [[Field Setting - Show Audit History|Show Audit History]] ==== View Only ==== * [[Field Setting - View Only|View Only]] ===== Field parts =====